Mentoriza is a social project that was developed because of the educational crisis caused by the pandemic in Brazil, with the purpose of help students who were negatively impacted by the pandemic to continue their studies with a focus on preparing for ENEM and entering higher education. Our initiative is intended to support students with a focus on black, brown or yellow students, from public schools, with an income of less than 3 minimum wages and/or who will be the first to enter the University education. In addition to academic support, the project also offers personal and professional support to young people, with the possibility of psychological and financial support depending on the need.
By participating in Mentoriza, students have access to classes, simulations, individualized mentoring in their area of greatest difficulty, in addition to personal development and vocational guidance activities! Our aim is to offer a complete support program to young people, in which they feel prepared to pursue their dream of entering higher education, and are able to develop the skills necessary to be successful in the next stages of their lives.
For these dreams to come true, we need monthly contributions. Any amount is important and will make a big difference in students' lives. The project has already reached more than 200 students, and we want to expand our activities even further. The money raised will be allocated to purchase and structuring of the necessary materials, maintenance of the platforms used, financial support for students who need it, and to monthly payments for administrative, educational, and miscellaneous costs.
Your participation is essential for us to guarantee students:
– Access to quality content, mentoring, classes, and simulations focused on preparing for ENEM;
– Participation in personal development activities, mental health, productivity and especially vocational guidance;
– Psychological support in case of need by the student;
– Financial support in case of need, mainly to guarantee internet access and its realization at ENEM. Depending on the case, we offer food baskets and other types of support depending on the money raised and the student's needs.
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